What Are You Going to do Now Senators?

Deborah Ramirez Have you ever been faced with a situation where someone keeps telling you that you can’t have something that you really want? I’m talking about as an adult, not a child. Well, it seems as though the Republicans are in that unenviable position right now. Yet another accuser, Deborah Ramirez, has come forward with some very disturbing accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. And, for the second time in a week, the accuser is calling for an F.B.I. investigation. Now why would she ask to get the F.B.I. involved if she had made a false accusation? But Mitch, Chuck, Orange Boi and the boys seem to be digging in their heels for a fight. They flatly refuse to get the F.B.I. involved…WHY NOT? If you’re not familiar with the situation, let me give you the short version… The Orange Bloviating Blob (who is an accused sexual predator himself) nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accused him of attempted rape back when they we bo...