Things on My Mind Today

What is it going to take for the Republicans to stand up and do the right thing? It seems as though they have been bought and paid for… My fear is that the Orange Bloviating Blob has done irreparable damage to this country. The idiot has declared a "FAKE" national emergency . I try not to dwell on the negative but this whole situation is very disturbing and disheartening. But if you can manage to turn down all the noise, it is essential for all of us to maintain a high frequency of positive energy/vibrations. Few people understand how the world is heavily influenced by positive energy/vibrations. Mo'Nique and Steve Harvey Moving on to entertainment news… Steve Harvey and Mo'Nique had a come to Jesus moment on his show recently. Apparently, money is much more important to Steve than integrity. He says he has too many folks depending on him to make “massa” mad. He needs his money and damn integrity. Finally, I came across the most fascinating story ...