Countdown to the Weekend

You can actually start your weekend early this Wednesday evening with Cocktails and Conversations.  This weekly event takes place at Ember.  This is a lovely venue and the atmosphere is chic and relaxing.  Are you looking for something a little more serious?  Well, Michael Baisden is going to be at Draft for a grown folks conversation.  Doors open at 5:00pm for both events.
Tomorrow, Thursday, you can head out to the Gaylord Palms Resort for the kick-off of The Tom Joiner Family Reunion.  Janelle Monet will be starting the weekend off right with a free welcome concert.  If you still have any energy left, you can go downtown to the One80 Grey Goose Lounge for Cl9ud.  This is a beautiful venue with a breath taking view of the Orlando nighttime skyline.
Besides the concert associated with the Tom Joiner Family Reunion, there is the Grand Opening of Ono downtown; Orlando’s newest nightspot for the grown and sexy.  Lance Gross will be in the building so ladies, you definitely want to be dressed to impress.
Tomorrow I will have more details.  This is just to give you an idea of how to plan your weekend.  Sincerely, The Ultimate Party Animal f.k.a. your Orlando Club Scene Examiner


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