Soooo…what are we going to do now?

I hear old George is in Texas.  It seems he got stopped for speeding the other day, had a weapon in his car and was let go with a warning.  Hmmm…?  Show of hands – how many know that if a black man was stopped for speeding in Texas and had a weapon in his vehicle his “black azz” would have been on his way to jail? Screw the ticket.  He would be face down on the pavement surrounded by law enforcement officers.  But I have wasted enough ink on “ole fat azz George” for now.
I’m hearing a lot of prominent folks say that a boycott is not the way to go.  I’m hearing that it will hurt the wrong people and that it probably won’t be very effective.  Hmmm…?  I’m hearing we need to vote the wrong people out of office and vote the right people into office.  Assuming we are speaking of Republicans versus Democrats, it seems that several Democrats voted for the “Stand Your Ground Law” in its present form.  Hmmm…?  So this begs the question, how do we actually know who “the wrong people are?”
And this whole voting thing, I have been voting since I was eligible to vote.  Many, if not most of the people I associate with vote in every election.  However, laws are being made every day to try and suppress minority votes.  How are we going to vote the wrong people out of office if they are the ones making the voting laws?
 I said all this to say, I need to fully understand how a targeted boycott of the very powerful industries that have the lobbyists would not be at least somewhat effective?  These very rich people pay the lobbyist to influence the lawmakers to write and pass the laws that are suppressing the minority vote and making evil laws, like the “Stand Your Ground” Law.   If they are not making as much money, it is going to get their attention.  They are going to notice that they are  going into their own pockets to pay these people off and granted they have deep pockets but eventually that is going to get old.  I’m not wealthy, yet but if I notice a pattern that is causing me to miss out on income, I correct it very quickly.  If I do it, I’m quite sure wealthy people do it.  Isn’t that how they stay wealthy?  Marching got us the arrest and the trail but they still let the murdering coward go free….supposedly because of the law.  Give me a little credit folks, I notice patterns and I am seeing one in this vicious cycle.
I’m going to wrap it up now but I’m going to leave you with this thought.  We held marches and rallies.  We were able to get them to arrest and put George Zimmerman on trial but they never had any intention of putting him in prison.  They figured they would placate “the angry black folks” and shut us up.  They already knew the laws were written in their favor, hell THEY WROTE THEM!

So now we are marching and rallying again and the brave, young Dream Defenders are camped outside Rick Scott’s office.  We will get attention and we will get some closure, perhaps but will it prevent anyone else’s child from ending up dead at the hands of some overzealous idiot?  Will it get the law changed?  So I ask again, what are we going to do now?


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