Monogamy, Obamacare and Marissa Alexander

Does that seem like an odd title for a blog?  Perhaps but I am on serious information overload today!  You see, I was perusing Facebook as I often do to get material for my blog and I come across this post by Michael Baisden.  He posted a link for a video where there is a sociologist discussing the merits of sex outside of marriage.  Of course this piqued my interest but I couldn't get the damn thing to open....  Anyway, I began to ponder this concept and I touched on it briefly in my book (shameless plug you'll have to read the book).  Should we become more open-minded about the whole concept of monogamy?  How many marriages and families are destroyed by cheating, perhaps unnecessarily?  What if spicing things up meant having sex with someone who isn't your spouse or significant other?  Now this will not work for everyone but what if it works for some couples?  There needs to be open and honest dialogue between the parties involved.  The ground rules need to be established and everyone has to be on one accord.  What if the Swingers are on to something?  I need some statistics on the divorce rates among swinger couples versus couples who claim to be monogamous.  Come now folks, let's face the facts, not everyone who claims to be faithful actually is practicing monogamy.  However, it might be kind of difficult to get most people to admit to their cheating even if they would suffer no dire consequences because of their admission.

Speaking of dire consequences....  If these Republican idiots don't get their crap together the government is going to shut down.  These idiots hate President Obama so much they are more than willing to let that happen.  They are trying to tie the stop gap funding for the government to de-funding Obamacare.  If you are not wealthy and white, you probably have no business being a Republican.  NEWSFLASH: They do not care about poor people! They do not care about minorities!  So how do you think they feel about you if you are poor and a minority?  Millions of Americans will be helped by the Affordable Heath Care Act a.k.a Obamacare but there is so much hatred of the President that they are willing to send the whole country over the cliff just to make him look bad.  Hate is terribly destructive folks.

Speaking of hate... Marissa Alexander was granted a new trial by the Court of Appeals.  That's nice but she never should have been in jail in the first place, dammit.  This poor, unfortunate soul thought that the Stand Your Ground Law applied to everyone in Florida.  She didn't even shoot or kill anyone and they sent her to prison.  George Zimmerman's fat azz killed Trayvon and he's walking around free and picking up side chicks.  NEWSFLASH: Stand Your Ground does not apply to anyone else but those with influence and money.  I pray the new trial brings #JUSTICEFORMARRISA but alas I am not confident...

Now that I have that out of my system, have a pleasant evening and enjoy the rest of your night.


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