Last Night, We Made History in Florida

Last night, the people of Florida nominated a black man, Andrew Gillum, to be the Democratic Candidate for Governor. Most of the polls didn't give this young brother a chance against the "establishment" candidate.

Well, "the polls" weren't out meeting folks and talking to them and laying out his position on the issues that folks care about. They're calling it an upset. Why won't the media give Mayor Gillum credit for running an excellent campaign? It's as if it's just so far out of the realm of possibility that this young man could have the intelligence and charm to win that they have to call it an upset.

Now it's up to the voters of Florida to bring it home in November. We cannot fall into the trap of running against 45. Mayor Gillum needs to continue what he's doing and run on the issues. His opponent, Ron DeSantis has made no secret of the fact that he's really, way far up 45's butt.

While this is definitely an issue that should be addressed, we don't want to fall down that rabbit hole. We, the voters of Florida care about the issues that we face daily, i.e. health care, living wages, gun safety. So yeah, I'm definitely on a high right now but now the real work begins. I can't really be a foot soldier at this point in my life but I am happy to use my platform to get the word out about our next Governor, Mayor Andrew Gillum


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