The Name Calling Has Begun

Wow… So many thoughts… On the first day of the campaign for Governor of  the State of Florida, Mayor Gillum’s opponent, Ron DeSantis called him a monkey.  

Of course he and his campaign spokespeople say he was referring to Mayor Gillum’s policies when he said that we can’t allow him to “monkey things up.” What the hell is that? I’ve never heard of “monkey this up.” Is that even a thing? I don’t know why anyone is surprised. This man idolizes the bigot-in-chief, 45, the big cheeto… Check out what 45 had to say about Gillum’s historic win. The monkey comment definitely sounds like something 45 would say and then have his people get on television and lie about it. These folks are unbelievable. They aren’t even trying to hide their bigotry and vitriol anymore. Mayor Gillum had a classy response and even called out 45 to “holla at him” next time he had something to say. He said it wasn’t even a dog whistle, it was more like a bull horn. DeSantis was speaking directly to the Republican base when he made that comment.

We cannot fight these people in a traditional way. They don’t know the meaning of fairness and they come out of the gate fighting dirty. Mayor Gillum better get ready because they are going to come at him full force. Democrats had better learn early that THEY CANNOT BE NICE.      

Let me end on this note… As of this writing, the DeSantis campaign and the Congressman himself said that there would be no apology issued. They categorically deny saying anything wrong thus they say no apology with be forthcoming.


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