No one is Coming To Save Us

Why am I up? Idk? My spirit is disturbed. Watching George Floyd murdered in cold blood was disturbing. I'm watching this program on MSNBC. It's called “Hope & Fury - MLK, The Movement and the Media.
I said the other day that I felt like I woke up in the damn 60s. This s**t is crazy. My child asked me last night if we were "in Revelation...?" I had to say "yes, we very well may be..." Of course he meant are we in the end times, right?
Folks, I'm hardly a Bible scholar. My leanings are much more towards Spirituality. Fully recognizing that it's ALL from the Motherland and it's all a variation on the same philosophy.

But I digress... we are definitely living in uncertain times. I once witnessed my dear mother ask a white person "why do you HATE us so much?" I don't remember what the answer was... I would venture a guess that it's only partially about visceral hate, it's probably more about power and privilege. I remember another discussion with my mom when I told her that once they were done with us after we built this country on the backs of the FREE LABOR provided by our ancestors, they couldn't figure out what to do with us. You see, the original police departments were SLAVE CATCHERS. The laws were never written to be equitable for us, BLACK PEOPLE. If we recall, BLACK PEOPLE were considered three-fifths of a person. I could go on... I won't.
I don't know where we go from here? Is this going to be the "tipping point" that elicits meaningful change? I have my doubts. There is no motivation for those in power to upend the status quo. If you are in a position of power, why would you change anything? We can elect folks who claim to represent our interests but how's that been working so far?
This Orange Idiot right here...

Waking up every day and trying not to live in fear is hard work and “hella” stressful. I have my recordings that I listen to daily and nightly; it helps. Prayers and meditation always help. God help us all…because no one is coming to rescue us.


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