Why Is There So Much Hate?

Why is there so much hate directed towards Black women and specifically towards Vice President Kamala Harris? Now hate towards Black people in general is certainly nothing new, but it seems to be intensified in our current political climate. Did the orange orangutan's (Donald Trump) overt racism help to bring out all these slugs from under the rocks where they were residingIt's extremely frustrating and quite disheartening that I can't find one positive story about Vice President Harris and that I had to resort to using Fox News as a reference. Ugh!!!!


"After several high-profile staff departures, Harris has hired a veteran political operator, Jamal Simmons, as her communications director and she is showing a more united front at events with Biden after months of them often being separated, according to the Washington Post."  

It's long been my opinion that she needed a new communications team so this is definitely a step in the right direction. I certainly hope this helps because she seems to be continually suffering from a profound issue of getting her message across effectively. Or perhaps even having an effective message. 

Personally, I don't think she's getting the support from the White House that she needs and deserves either. That, coupled with the fact that President Biden keeps assigning her these Herculean tasks that she's supposed to be accomplishing is a recipe for disaster. 

To some, it might appear that the White House is setting the Vice President up to be the "fall guy." After all, we can all agree that the Biden Administration came into office with some very serious and complicated issues on the table. Immigration, voting rights, Covid-19 and economic recovery are very thorny issues and failure is not an option. 

Let's hope for the sake of our survival as a democracy and our survival period that everyone gets on the same page and we all work together. 

I am BLAQ DAWN! Eliminating ignorance wherever it's found.

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