
Maybe Every Joke Should Not Be Told?

Holly Mosley Cooper, MBA I know… everyone is tired of talking about the slap but… maybe every joke that pops in your head, Chris Rock , shouldn’t be told? But… however insensitive and crass it may have been, it was still just a joke. Even  Jada herself has come out and admitted that Will overreacted but did Miss Jada subliminally “egg him on with the look?” Have we become a bunch of “politically correct,” hypersensitive p***sies ready to pop off at any moment? Look at this article that I came across. I’m including a link for your convenience. In the article, the gentleman discusses how he and his wife have been dealing with her alopecia and how he has seen and dealt with the pain that it has caused her. But… he made a point to say that he used only his words to support her. Please understand, I don’t condone viole...

Sex Sells Even During Bad Economic Times

There are two things that people will spend money on even during bad economic times; porn and alcohol. During the lockdown due to the pandemic, liquor stores were considered essential businesses. This was because they didn't want alcoholics to go into withdrawal. That's great reasoning but hell, we were all stuck inside with our significant others and our children for hours on end; who wouldn't need a drink after descending into the 7th circle of HELL?! And, I doubt if porn sites ever feel the affects of economic hard times.  With gas prices skyrocketing, I can see a lot more folks staying home with their alcohol and their porn. She won't nag you and she never has a headache. She ALWAYS has time to chat and flirt with you. So do me a huge favor and check out this website. It will be great for everyone concerned.

Why Is There So Much Hate?

W hy is there so much hate directed towards Black women and specifically towards Vice President Kamala Harris? Now hate  towards  Black people in general is certainly nothing new, but it seems to be intensified in our current political climate. Did the orange orangutan's (Donald Trump) overt racism help to bring out all these slugs from under the rocks where they were  residing ?  It's  extremely frustrating and quite disheartening that I  can't  find one positive story about Vice President Harris and that I had to resort to using Fox News as a reference. Ugh!!!! "After several high-profile staff departures, Harris has hired a veteran political operator, Jamal Simmons, as her communications director and she is showing a more united front at events with Biden after months of them often being separated, according to the Washington Post."    It's  long be...

No one is Coming To Save Us

Why am I up? Idk? My spirit is disturbed. Watching George Floyd murdered in cold blood was disturbing. I'm watching this program on MSNBC. It's called “ Hope & Fury - MLK, The Movement and the Media . ” I said the other day that I felt like I woke up in the damn 60s. This s**t is crazy. My child asked me last night if we were "in Revelation...?" I had to say "yes, we very well may be..." Of course he meant are we in the end times, right? Folks, I'm hardly a Bible scholar. My leanings are much more towards Spirituality. Fully recognizing th at it's ALL from the Motherland and it's all a variation on the same philosophy. But I digress... we are definitely living in uncertain times. I once witnessed my dear mother ask a white person "why do you HATE us so much?" I don't remember what the answer was... I would venture a guess that it's only partially about visceral hate, it's probably more about power and privilege. I...

Things on My Mind Today

What is it going to take for the Republicans to stand up and do the right thing? It seems as though they have been bought and paid for… My fear is that the Orange Bloviating Blob has done irreparable damage to this country. The idiot has declared a "FAKE"  national emergency . I try not to dwell on the negative but this whole situation is very disturbing and disheartening. But if you can manage to turn down all the noise, it is essential for all of us to maintain a high frequency of positive energy/vibrations. Few people understand how the world is heavily influenced by positive energy/vibrations. Mo'Nique and Steve Harvey Moving on to entertainment news… Steve Harvey and Mo'Nique had a come to Jesus moment on his show recently. Apparently, money is much more important to Steve than integrity. He says he has too many folks depending on him to make “massa” mad. He needs his money and damn integrity. Finally, I came across the most fascinating story ...

What Are You Going to do Now Senators?

Deborah Ramirez Have you ever been faced with a situation where someone keeps telling you that you can’t have something that you really want? I’m talking about as an adult, not a child. Well, it seems as though the Republicans are in that unenviable position right now. Yet another accuser, Deborah Ramirez, has come forward with some very disturbing accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. And, for the second time in a week, the accuser is calling for an F.B.I. investigation. Now why would she ask to get the F.B.I. involved if she had made a false accusation? But Mitch, Chuck, Orange Boi and the boys seem to be digging in their heels for a fight. They flatly refuse to get the F.B.I. involved…WHY NOT? If you’re not familiar with the situation, let me give you the short version… The Orange Bloviating Blob (who is an accused sexual predator himself) nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accused him of attempted rape back when they we bo...

Who is Telling the Truth - Brett Kavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford Debacle?

Does anyone else get a feeling of déjà vu? I know that I’m not the only one that remembers the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill debacle. Now we have the Brett Kavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford debacle. Yet the Republicans seem hell bent on pushing this… person’s nomination through. Ms. Hill’s allegations involved sexual harassment. Dr. Ford’s allegations involved sexual assault or more specifically, attempted sexual assault. I’m hearing a lot of grumbling about why she waited so long to come forward? Is she a paid, political operative planted to derail Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination? To that I respond by asking who in their right mind would subject themselves to the type of abuse that she undoubtedly would undergo? I doubt if there is enough money in the world to sign up for that. She simply said that she felt that is was her civic duty to come forward and share her story . Now I’m hearing that Kavanaugh is digging in for a fight and the Whitehouse will not be withdrawing his nominat...